Multiplayer Setup Video Up
We’ve got an instructional video out for how to setup Tachyon with Tunngle so you can play again.
Rock Paper Heavy Laser
Just like to mention we got a shout out at Rock Paper Shotgun
during their 15 Best Space Games article, which featured Tachyon.
You can read it here:
Thanks RPS!
Even More New Patches
Evenin’ Folks.
Looks like Nova moved the servers again, which means we need an update:
Lobby Patch v2.5 Link – Click Here
Reiterating the fixes for the NEE kit as well:
We also updated the No Environment Effects mod, which was in need of some fixing
for a while as well. Note that if you’re using Win XP, the default install location
used by this patch is now set for 64 bit Vista and later. You’ll need to pick the
location yourself when it gives you that option if you still run XP.
Win Vista/7/8 – C:\Program Files (x86)\NovaLogic\Tachyon
Win XP – C:\Program Files\NovaLogic\Tachyon
No Environment Effects v2.5 – Click Here
Both of these are of course in the Downloads section here on the site.
Update wise, Z64 is still working diligently on the model program. We got some
usable objects out of it but we’re trying to tweak some of the problems running on
different computers and point data.
In other news, if you haven’t heard, Descent has made a return from the dead. Some
of the former Star Citizen staff split off to run a Kickstarter campaign that
managed to get funded. You can find out more about them at:
New Patches Available
Greetings Space Scallywags.
As we bring 2014 to a close, we were made aware that Novalogic got their lobby
back online. As such we’ve rererere-released a server IP patch so everyone can
play again.
Lobby Patch Link – Click Here
We also updated the No Environment Effects mod, which was in need of some fixing
for a while as well. Note that if you’re using Win XP, the default install location
used by this patch is now set for 64 bit Vista and later. You’ll need to pick the
location yourself when it gives you that option if you still run XP.
Win Vista/7/8 – C:\Program Files (x86)\NovaLogic\Tachyon
Win XP – C:\Program Files\NovaLogic\Tachyon
No Environment Effects – Click Here
Both of these are of course in the Downloads section here on the site.
As a smaller update, the bandwidth on the FringeSpace game server was probably
adequate before, but it has been increased 5x now. So there shouldn’t be a problem
on our end.
We hope to have some more good news for you after the new year.
Bora Fighters Complete!
Woot indeed.
Instead of just giving you pictures of the models, thought this time
we’d give you something to play with. Click and drag in the model boxes
to move them around, scroll wheel zooms, and there are menu buttons for
each model on the side.
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
These should all be in game tomorrow. They are each about 80% rigged currently.
Model Converter Complete!
Back in 2002 Delphy made a partial PAK extractor that showed it could be possible to get models out of Tachyon and ever since, fans of the ship designs and those with big imaginations have wanted to be able to see them out of the game. Finally, nearly 13 years later, that becomes reality.
Shadow Z spent several months completely redesigning a new PAK converter from the ground up, just now completing the project. Click on an image for a larger version.
All 1,165 files work. Once we’ve got them organized better we’ll have more to show.
Needless to say this will be a huge help to our mod in the future, and we’ll be looking for additional staff soon so we can start back again towards our goal of an alpha demo for folks to play.
TTF Soundtrack Release & Notes
Merry Christmas space folk!
Just in time to be your present, the FringeSpace Team is proud to
release The Unofficial Tachyon Soundtrack.
44 Tracks reassembled and edited for your enjoyment, and for an extra bonus
we went and made up a nice set of jewel case inserts so you can show it off.
It’s been in the works a few months now, but we hope you enjoy it.
Download Link – Tachyon Unofficial Soundtrack
In other news, Shadow Z is making good progress on the extractor now.
We’ve actually exported some models and are working on the UVs, Normals, and
Textures part of it. Should have some images to show very soon.
Happy holidays and a good new Earth standard year for those on SOL time.
Tach Lobby Down
**** UPDATE **** **** UPDATE ****
Tach lobby is back up. No IP change surprisingly.
**** UPDATE **** **** UPDATE ****
The NovaLogic Tach lobby is offline. Evidently NL is changing things
around yet again. Here’s the announcement from their site.
“In preparation for upcoming releases of new products and services,
NovaLogic is restructuring various web servers so as to provide a more
cohesive environment. During the course of this restructuring, some
redundancy will be removed, and some favorite NovaWorld legacy
features will be revived. During this process we foresee no significant
service outages. The changes will be ongoing, and should enhance
organization and game-play. Please keep watching this Announcement
section for updates and information.”
Don’t know if that means Tach will be removed, since it could be seen
as redundant, or if they’ll keep it around. No idea, we’ll have to see.
In the meantime, you’ll get a white or blank screen when trying to get
to the lobby address. Kali still works for long distance LAN, but people
will have to agree to use it.
I messed up due to lack of sleep and mis wrote 2 digits in a single file out of 200
something files…. and TSB2 prior to 3 AM EST USA Jan 14th will not host games or
connect properly. This also applies to the No Environment Fixes.
The versions that are up now in the same spot are fixed.
Please redownload them. You can install over the top if you
have already applied TSB 2, but not if you have any other version.
New Service Bay Released
A new version of the Tachyon Service Bay has been released
in preparation for the upcoming LanWar event in 2 days.
Two maps have been added, as well as a great many ship
tweaks and adjustments.
It can be found here: Downloads Section
New “No Environment” mods have been made as well that are
compatible with TSB 2.
I would recommend performing a clean install, as many core
files have changed.
LanWar & Other News
Few different things to cover today.
First, January 14th through the 16th I’ll be present
at the Louisville, KY LanWar 48 gaming event and tournaments.
LanWar Site Come see me at the Alpha Hall
Row 6 Seat 12 (JGZinv).
Along with trying a little world of mouth promotion of FringeSpace,
I’ll be hosting a Tachyon server there for as long as possible.
We should be able to use Novalogic’s lobby, so if anyone out on
the net wants to drop in and play we can explode together. Voice
servers will depend on what people at LanWar have the most of, and
I won’t know that till I get there. IRC and the usual will still be up.
For the folks that don’t have Tachyon:
The game itself is still available as a downloadable version,
from Steam, GameTap, and Novalogic itself among others.
$7 on sale at Steam Store
In addition to the 2 multiplayer modes (up to 32 players per map)
in has a full two sided campaign.
The FringeSpace Service Bay mod pack will be used to host
and play with different ships. It is recommended to have for
existing players. New downloadable copies of Tachyon seem to have
been patched by Novalogic, but I can’t confirm this.
With that said, since Novalogic moved the lobby in 2010, I’ve yet to
properly update the Service Bay and optional packs. I’ll be making
an effort to upload new versions prior to the LanWar event that are
also a little better balanced.
If there’s questions or further interest let me know.
Second – I didn’t properly introduce them before, but Shadow Z
and Angelus from Hard-Light have been helping out with models since
October. I thank them both greatly for their assistance.
I’ll have some pictures below, but be aware that some of these are in
the process of being remade, as we had a hard drive crash that
wiped some of the models out.
Furthermore, with their experience we’ve identified some problems
with earlier models (ie. fenris tower, etc) that have to be repaired.
Updates to just about all models in terms of normal maps and
optimization still need to be done, I just haven’t had the time.
Did get around 98% of Fenris Arena rebuilt, just waiting on the
remaining powerups, sound, and megagates, then she’ll be finished.
Due to responses to our YouTube video, Nutri is working on new theme
music to replace the “eerie” clip we had before.
Thirdly, we have had a separate forum up at Hard-Light since August.
HLP FringeSpace
We’re not taking anything from here or moving, it’s just a matter of
getting more exposure to the HLP/FS2 community. It’s easier to get help
when the people are already registered there, instead of asking them to
come here. If there’s something majorly important, I’ll copy it to both
Fourth – in case no one was aware, Tachyon has a Facebook page:
Facebook Link
It’s not something I have control over, I believe it’s SM plzdie’s page.
Lastly, here’s some of the things Shadow Z and Angelus been working on.
Mega Powerup
Shield Powerup
Quad Turret WIP
Different Turret WIP
Instruments of Destruction 3 & Steam
Sort of a little update here…
First off I’d like to show off Carl’s latest weapons:
Tiger & Sunspot Missiles
Tesla EMP (minus glows) & Swarm Missile salvo
In addition, I’d like to make mention that evidently Novalogic
has licensed Tachyon to sell on the Steam service. Steam is most
well known for being a part of Valve, and games such as Team Fortress 2,
Portal, Half-Life, etc. Besides being featured on Steam’s main site, Joystiq
and some other games news sites have picked up the story and there’s a bit
of a surge in pro-Tachyon comments.
Evidently like GameTap, they’ve got the downloadable version of the game.
There’s been a few players dropping in the servers lately, so be kind – rewind,
and try to teach them some basics should they not know how to get setup.
I believe it’s only an introductory price, but Tach is currently $8.99 on Steam.
See here for more details:
They also have a forums section for Tachyon Steam users.
Tournament Update 2
For visitors, drop ins, and people that have shown up at the last minute:
There will be an open Arena hosted in Tachyon if you wish
to play. Tournament sanctioned games are passworded and locked
to a certain number of players.
For players and those interested:
Team ——— Player
FringeSpace JGZinv
FringeSpace Backslash
FringeSpace RazorsKiss
FringeSpace KillJoy
Team NB Kodiak
Team NB Overkilled
Team NB Punisher
Team NB Warhawk
Team 3 Rumrunner
Team 3 Werewolf
Team 3 Vandal
Team 3 Megaman
Team 4 Eurofighter
Team 4 Raven
Team 4 Darkraven
Team 4 Tyber Zann
Team 5 Bigbrotherbp
Team 5 Want To Die
Team 5 Jakeslogan
Team 5 Wishmaster
Larkin and michaelh, I apologize but you could not be placed because
of lack of more players and Larkin you only listed you could play
Friday which was not a day we could play the tournament.
After compiling all the times and information it’s impossible for me
to arrange scheduled games due to the time zones and times people can play.
So what we’re going to do is this…
Each team will have to decide amongst themselves on a captain if they wish.
I would suggest everyone using GSC, or at minimum being on IM as
when you can see everyone in the online list you can put a game
together much more easily. If you haven’t already got a GSC account,
it’d be wise to make one. Servers are free and they are hosted on
GSC computers so you won’t get your net connection degraded.
GSC Version 1 can be downloaded here:
Drop the unzipped contents into a folder and run GSC client.exe, the
program will want to update then you can proceed with setting up your
name. Nothing harder here than making an e-mail account.
Just be online as much as possible, when you find another team online –
play them. You need to complete 4 BW matches and 8 arena matches
over the course of Saturday and Sunday. Post the results of the matches
back here on the forum using a screen shot.
I will be sending out a PM to all registered teams containing the contact
information of the other players so you can try to get your contacts ironed out for Friday.
Tournament Update
This is the last notice being posted to inform people of the Tachyon – FringeSpace Tournament
on November 1 and 2. Please note that the rules for the competition have changed as of today (10/23)
and now include Arena matches with BaseWars. Team size has also been adjusted to function better with scoring and server load.
Full rules can be seen here:
In addition – at this time I’m expecting around 40 players to show up (word of mouth), however
I only have 11 people registered for the tournament. Registration tells me what if any team preference
you may have, when you can play, etc. Forming teams is extremely difficult without this information.
If you plan on trying to play in the tournament, please register in the remaining week.
Registration is available here:
If you are unable to access the forum, you can E-mail me the following information:
Game Name:
Clan or Group:
Clan Interest:
Skill Level:
Time Zone:
Best Times Available to Play:
Voice Chat Program:
I will be posting team formations and play times the night of Wednesday the 29th,
if you don’t have registration by then, I can’t place you in a team unless there’s a last minute hole.
By then e-mail will be too slow and folks will be starting.
Thank you.
Tachyon Tournament & More
Well folks, we’re finally ramping up to the tournament….
a month is liable to fly by pretty quick.
You’re invited to participate in the FringeSpace – Tachyon BaseWars Tournament. Registration is open to teams and individuals,
so bring a “wingman” along if you can. The more who play, the more fun it will be – and all the more opposition to pulverize.
The Tournament will be a tiered event consisting of several teams competing for the grand prize of being in the FringeSpace
Alpha testers group. Basically they who hold the most territory by the final round, wins.
The grand champions will have access to early builds and suggest improvements directly with the development staff, as well
as get a peak on what we’re working on for the future. Basically if you wanted someone to test a update to your favorite game,
wouldn’t it be best to have the best players? Of course there’s always the bragging rights of being the top team…
This has been advertised quite ahead of time to give all clans and groups time to break the rust off their ships and spend some
time training if needed.
You can get more information in the forums.
Last but certainly not least, here’s another update on Carl’s work with the
Star Patrol cap ship.
General Update
Well I’ve spent an entire day updating the site.
Among other things, our gallery is 6 or 7 times
larger than it’s ever been before. So be sure to
check that out…
Down below on the bottom left menu, you’ll find
new links to other Tachyon communities, as well as
a new voice chat status box and link to the voice
server client. Now you can see if there’s someone
online in voice chat. It’s free to use for whatever,
just keep things clean and honorable please.
Several threads in the forum here have been updated to
reflect a status update as to our current progress, and a
general fix-it guide to Tachyon if you’re having problems
is now available in the Support section.
Lastly, yet tonight sometime I’ll be making more forums
specifically for the upcoming tournament. Pretty much that
is next on the agenda for an update and filling in the holes.
Tachyon Hosting Fix & Mods Now Available
It took forever and didn’t quite get all I wanted into it. But here’s the finished files:
Tachyon Service Bay 1.0b:
You can download it here.
The No Fog, No Sun, No Lightning patches listed there are compatible with the main fix and mod set.
Please take the time to read the ReadMe.
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