Bora Fighters Complete!
Woot indeed.
Instead of just giving you pictures of the models, thought this time
we’d give you something to play with. Click and drag in the model boxes
to move them around, scroll wheel zooms, and there are menu buttons for
each model on the side.
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
[iframe_loader src=”” width=”100%” height=”500″]
These should all be in game tomorrow. They are each about 80% rigged currently.
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