The FringeSpace Project


FringeSpace Files:

WIP Music:

Tachyon the Fringe Files:


Updates TSB 2.0 and standard retail copies of Tachyon to the new
server address used by Novalogic as of June 2018.
You don’t need to use this with the current version of
No Environment Effects (2p5) as it is included already.
Not necessary to run Tunngle multiplayer.

Upgrades a previous version of Tachyon to 36R
in seconds, rather than the official patch which takes
a very long time. Needed for Service Bay.

Fixes an issue on some systems where the in-game lobby
is unreadable.


TSB 2 contains 3 parts:
A fix for the multiplayer issue of not being able to
host public or private games and multiplayer maps.
An Arena mod + maps + multiplayer fix.
A BaseWars mod + maps + multiplayer fix.
Updated many ships, added maps, you will need the lobby/host fix above.
Please read the ReadMe document for a changelog.

This mod is made up of 2 options to add either
functionality at high resolutions, or somewhat better
graphics to the existing resolution you run Tachyon at.

-NOT- Compatible with the No Environment Effects pack.

You really must read the ReadMe if you want any hope
of getting this to work correctly.

A mod set that allows you to disable either the sun, fog, lightning, or all of these in Tachyon. I would only use this independently of TSB or Multi Fix 2.6 . Basically a SP mod. While this does have the same current lobby IP in it as the Multi Fix 2.6, it does not however have the updated dll files to make the lobby readable on Win 10. So things would get overwritten and mismatched.


Keyboard Chart
A hi-res scan of the default keyboard chart.

44 Tracks edited and cleaned up so you can live the conflict all over again.
As an added bonus, jewel case inserts so you can show it off.

Archived Files:
These files are largely depreciated or no longer work with the
current version of Tachyon. They are here only for archival purposes
or if someone wants to maybe upgrade them on their own.


Server Commander
Program to assist you in running a TTF server.

Atavus Server Interface
Program to assist with the administration of TTF servers
Does not work under Win 2000/XP/Vista and will not work
on Tachyon versions 29r or below.


Devilsclaws Full Setup
Devilsclaw (and company’s) Fullsetup fixes patch, does not include the new ships.


Bloodstars Arena Maps
A large selection of maps to host on a TTF Server.

Original map files
All of the original map files for Tachyon – single and multi.

Vandals edited basewars maps. See readme files for details.

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